
Technology Overview
Mac OS X Server
Media Access. Set authenticated access to, or disable the use of, internal and external
disks, including hard drives, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and USB and FireWire devices.
Mobility. Set a portable system to cache the LDAP user, group, and computer account
information, including authentication token, on its hard drive. (This enables managed
settings to remain in e! ect when the computer is disconnected from the network.)
Synchronize folders on users’ portable computers with their network home directories.
Network. Set preferences to con gure network proxies such as FTP, Web, and
Secure Web.
Printing. De ne a set of printers and a default printer for any user, group, or computer.
For example, associate a computer with a nearby printer, or associate individual users
with a particular printer regardless of the computer they are using.
Software Update. De ne a software update server for Mac OS X systems.