Technology Overview
Mac OS X Server
iChat Server
With instant messaging quickly becoming a primary collaboration tool in organiza-
tions of all sizes, the importance of secure instant messaging has rapidly increased.
By default, many instant messaging services are not encrypted, so any text messages
and les exchanged by users can be compromised. That lack of security makes those
instant message products risky for business communications. For example, when a
user on a business trip chats with a colleague back at the o" ce, the information they
share can be intercepted as it goes over the Internet and through the o" ce LAN.
iChat Server, new in Mac OS X Server v10.4, makes secure communications within the
rewall possible. Designed from the ground up to be secure, iChat Server encrypts
communications using SSL, ensuring that text messages and les are protected as
they move between users.
Based on the popular Jabber open source instant messaging project, iChat Server
works with iChat in Mac OS X Tiger, as well as with Jabber clients available for
Windows and Linux computers and popular PDAs.
Because iChat Server builds on the Jabber server, it supports namespace management
and user authentication using Open Directory. By leveraging Open Directory, an
organization can use existing user accounts stored in its Open Directory server, as
well as Active Directory or other LDAP-based directory servers.
Software Update Server
Mac OS X Server v10.4 includes Software Update Server, which acts as a proxy for
software updates for Mac OS X Tiger client systems. This caching server allows
administrators to control when and how software updates become available for
users’ systems. It can also reduce network costs.
Your software update server automatically mirrors itself to Apple’s software update
servers, ensuring that you have the most current updates available. For security, all
updates are digitally signed by Apple.
This easy-to-use interface o! ers the option to mirror or enable each update, while providing
detailed information on each software program.