
Other DOS 3.3 Goodies
We’ve included some other helpful utilities on the DOS 3.3 disk.
Run Volume 2 Hello - Runs Hello program on V2 of the
same partition.
Park Heads - Moves hard drive’s heads to safe place. Use just
before shut down.
Catalog All Volumes - complete listing of all DOS 3.3
volumes in active partition. (Press any key for next
volume, <return> or <esc> for main menu.)
Edit Volume Names - allows you to changes names of
AE FID - utility that enables you to copy, lock, unlock, delete,
and verify files and more.
Partition Manager - DOS version of Vulcan’s Partition
Remove Vulcan Patch - removes patch described below. Use
before formatting floppy disks.
Install Vulcan Patch - program that patches DOS when you
boot included disk and enter INIT HELLO command.
Allows DOS 3.3 to accept lower case characters, loads
system faster, and fixes bug in APPEND command.
Boot ProDOS Partition - Boots first active Vulcan ProDOS
partition. BRUN from main directory.
Once you’ve set up and formatted your CP/M partitions and
have one or two turned ON (as described in the previous
chapter) the partitions are ready to initialize. Use the programs
that came with your liscenced version of CP/M to initialize.
To boot from a Vulcan CP/M partition, the partition from which
you want to boot must be set up as the A> drive.
* Note: You must use Pascal 1.3 with the Vulcan.
Once you’ve set up and formatted your Pascal partitions and
have one or two turned ON (as described in the previous
chapter), the partition is ready to use. Copy to it from your Pascal
disks as you would to a floppy. Be sure to copy the necessary
system files to the boot partition. Keep in mind that Pascal has a
maximum file limit of 77 files.
34 Vulcan