Vulcan Speed Under GS/OS (IIGS Only)
We’ve written a special driver to speed up the Vulcan’s access
time under GS/OS. If you’re booting
GS/OS from the Vulcan
this driver is automatically installed. However, if you’re booting
from a RAM disk, ROM disk or 3.5” drive, you’ll need to copy
the driver to the boot disk.
To copy the Vulcan Driver using the Finder follow these steps:
1) Open the Vulcan’s System folder (or the System folder
of the Vulcan’s 3.5” disk).
2) Open the Vulcan’s Drivers folder (located within the
System folder).
3) Open the System folder of the disk from which you
want to boot.
4) Locate the Drivers folder within the System folder.
5) Drag the file VULCAN from the Vulcan’s Drivers folder
to the boot disk’s Drivers folder.
Where to Put the Vulcan Driver
You can also use your favorite copy program to copy the driver.
where /AE1 is the name of your Vulcan GS/OS partition and
/YOUR.BOOT.DISK is the name of the disk to which you’re
Now when you boot from the disk, the Vulcan driver will be
installed and your access speed will be dramatically improved.
45 Vulcan