Chapter 2 Getting to Know Your MacBook Pro 35
Using the Apple Remote and Front Row
Your Apple Remote works with the Front Row interface and the built-in infrared (IR)
receiver, which is located next to the display release button on your MacBook Pro.
Use the Apple Remote to open Front Row and work with iTunes, iPhoto, QuickTime,
DVD Player, and more from across the room.
Use your Apple Remote to:
 Open Front Row and navigate through the Music, Photos, Videos, and DVD menus.
 Adjust the volume of a song, play or pause a song, or skip to the next or previous
track in iTunes.
 Play a slideshow of any of your photo albums in iPhoto.
 Play movies that are in your Movies folder or watch online QuickTime movie trailers.
 Play a DVD in your optical drive with DVD Player.
 Sleep or wake your MacBook Pro.
To use your Apple Remote:
 Press the Menu (») button to open Front Row.
 Use the Menu (») button to return to the previous menu while you’re navigating.
 Press the Volume/Menu Up (∂) and Volume/Menu Down (D) buttons to move
through the menu options and adjust the volume.
 Press the Select/Play/Pause (’) button to select an option from the menu.
 Press the Select/Play/Pause (’) button to play or pause a song, slideshow, or movie.
 Press the Next/Fast-forward (‘) or Previous/Rewind (]) button to skip to the next or
previous song in iTunes or the next or previous chapter in a DVD movie.