44 Chapter 2 Getting to Know Your MacBook Pro
Learning About Mac OS X
Your computer comes with Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger, which includes Spotlight, a search
engine that automatically indexes all of your files; Dashboard, an interface for putting
handy “widgets” or mini-applications at your fingertips; Exposé, which tiles and neatly
displays all your open applications; and much more.
When you’re ready to learn more about Mac OS X and the award-winning iLife
applications that came with your computer, see the Welcome to Tiger booklet that came
with your MacBook Pro or browse the information in Mac Help. If you experience any
problems while using Mac OS X, see Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting,” or Mac Help.
For information about the software applications compatible with Mac OS X or to read
more about Mac OS X, check the Apple website at www.apple.com/macosx.