Index 173
checking service status 142
service settings 143
starting service 142
stopping service 142
viewing service logs 144
viewing service settings 142
NeST tool 159
NetBoot service
changing settings 98
checking status 97
filters record array 99
general settings 98
image record array 100
port record array 101
starting 97
stopping 97
storage record array 99
viewing settings 97
tools and utilities 159
Network Address Translation. See NAT
Network File System. See NFS
network interface, settings 37
network port, settings 37
network port configurations 38
network time server 31, 33
NFS (Network File System)
changing service settings 77
checking service status 76
starting and stopping service 76
viewing service settings 76
nicl tool 159
nidump tool 159
nifind tool 159
nigrep tool 159
niload tool 159
nireport tool 159
Open Directory
data types 155
LDAP 157
modifying a node 155
NetInfo 159
settings 156
SLP 156
testing configuration 155
testing plugins 155
password server 159
plugins, Open Directory 155
pmset command 34
Point-to-Point Protocol. See PPP
power failure
automatic restart 33
power management 34
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
enabling dial-in service 153
pppd command 153
pppd command 153
Print service
changing settings 90
checking status 89
holding jobs 94
listing jobs 94
listing queues 93
pausing queues 93
queue data array 91
settings 90
starting 89
stopping 89
viewing logs 95
viewing settings 89
prompt 13
proxy settings
FTP 42
Gopher 43
SOCKS firewall 44
streaming 43
web 43
ps command
listing QTSS processes 168
QTSS (QuickTime Streaming Server)
changing settings 162
checking status 161
commands for managing 161
listing connections 166
logs 168
settings 163
starting 161
statistics 167
stopping 161
viewing settings 162
QuickTime Streaming Server. See QTSS
rebinding options, LDAP 158
remote login, enabling 35
Rendezvous name 45
automatic 33
checking if required 19
server 29
root privileges
su command 15
sudo command 15
RSA fingerprint 17
LL2354.book Page 173 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM