System Control Coprocessor
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-39
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Case A dual issue control:
0 = Enabled. This is the reset value.
1 = Disabled.
[27] B1TCMPCEN B1TCM parity or ECC check enable:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled.
The primary input PARECCENRAM[2]
defines the reset value.
If the BTCM is configured with ECC, you must always set this bit to the same value as
[26] B0TCMPCEN B0TCM parity or ECC check enable:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled.
The primary input PARECCENRAM[1]
defines the reset value.
If the BTCM is configured with ECC, you must always set this bit to the same value as
[25] ATCMPCEN ATCM parity or ECC check enable:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled.
The primary input PARECCENRAM[0]
defines the reset value.
[24] AXISCEN AXI slave cache RAM access enable:
0 = Disabled. This is the reset value.
1 = Enabled.
When AXI slave cache access is enabled, the caches are disabled and the processor cannot
run any cache maintenance operations. If the processor attempts a cache maintenance
operation, an Undefined instruction exception is taken.
[23] AXISCUEN AXI slave cache RAM non-privileged access enable:
0 = Disabled. This is the reset value.
1 = Enabled.
[22] DILSM Disable Low Interrupt Latency (LIL) on load/store multiples:
0 = Enable LIL on load/store multiples. This is the reset value.
1 = Disable LIL on all load/store multiples.
[21] DEOLP Disable end of loop prediction:
0 = Enable loop prediction. This is the reset value.
1 = Disable loop prediction.
[20] DBHE Disable Branch History (BH) extension:
0 = Enable the extension. This is the reset value.
1 = Disable the extension.
[19] FRCDIS Fetch rate control disable:
0 = Normal fetch rate control operation. This is the reset value.
1 = Fetch rate control disabled.
[18] Reserved SBZ.
Table 4-24 Auxiliary Control Register bit functions (continued)
Bits Field Function