Getting Connected
NOTE Onceyoucreateapartnership,youdon’tneedtoTurn on Visibility to beam
information between them. Bluetooth needs only to be turned on.
Pairing with a Bluetooth headset
1. On the Home screen, press Start > More > Settings > Connections > Bluetooth > Menu and
select Turn On Bluetooth and Turn On Visibility.
2. Turn on your Bluetooth headset and bring it to within 10 meters of your Smartphone.
3. PutyourBluetoothheadsetintopairingmode.RefertoyourBluetoothheadset’susermanualfor
4. On your phone, press Add new device....
5. Select the Bluetooth headset on the Add Devices list and press Next.
6. Enter the passkey provided in the headset user manual. The phone will now pair with the
7. Set the Bluetooth mode on your phone to On and you are ready to talk hands free.
Listening to streaming audio with a Bluetooth headset
1. Make sure that your phone is paired with a Bluetooth headset by following the instructions in
“Pairing with a Bluetooth headset.”
2. On the Home screen, press Start > More > Settings > Connections > BluetoothMore > Settings > Connections > BluetoothSettings > Connections > Bluetooth and select a
Bluetooth headset in Bluetooth Devices.
3. Open Windows Media Players and start playing music.