Add other people to a conversation From a chat session, press Menu > Options > Add participant, then
select a contact.
Switch to another chat session In the list of ongoing chats displayed at the bottom of screen, select the
name of a contact with whom to chat.
Return to the contacts list The contact list is on the left of the screen.
End a chat session From a chat session, press Menu > End Conversation.
See all who are chatting From a chat session, press Menu > Options > View participants.
Block someone on your Messenger
contacts list from seeing and
contacting you
> Contact options > Block contact. The contact will no longer be
able to see your status or send you messages.
Unblock a contact IntheMessengercontactslist,selectthecontact’sname.PressMenu
> Contact options > Unblock contact.
Change your status In the Messenger contacts list, select your name. Select a status
description and press Menu > Change status.
Send a voice clip Press Voice clip to record then press Send.