If your responsibilities do not include system administration, skip this
If you do not want the basic telephone to ring on every line, you can specify
which lines ring when a call comes in using Ringing Options and
programming the lines for immediate or no ring.
You can also specify the order of lines for the phone by programming an
Automatic Line Selection sequence. Be sure to program Automatic Line
Selection only for those lines to be used by the basic telephone.
Basic telephones are able to receive ringing intercom calls, but not intercom
calls with voice announcement. Therefore, you must program the Voice
Announcment Disable feature for the telephone.
In order to program Voice Announcement Disable, Ringing Options, or an
Automatic Line Selection sequence for the basic telephone, you can use either
the Centralized Programming feature on the administrator/attendant console or
program a substitute MERLIN Plus voice terminal plugged into the voice
terminal jack designated for the BTMI.
For more information on assigning lines and features for a basic telephone, see
"Basic Telephones."
See the "User's Guide for Off-Premises and Basic Telephones," included with
the BTMI, for instructions on how to operate a telephone connected to a
A person using a basic telephone must dial 3-character codes to access the
lines the system administrator assigns to the intercom number for the
telephone. For a list of these codes, see "Basic Telephones."
5-90 Section 5: Reference