
Call Pickup, 5-17, 5-19 – 5-21, 5-29, 5-48, 6-12, 6-9
with One Touch, 6-12
programming, 5-19 – 5-20
using, 5-20
using a Call Pickup button, 5-19
using a dial code, 5-19
using a One-Touch Call Pickup button, 5-19
Call Pickup button, 4-10, 5-48
Call Report, 2-4, 2-17, 2-18 – 2-19, 5-21 – 5-24,
5-68, 5-69, 5-73, 5-74, 5-91, 6-10
Account Number Entry, 5-21
administering, 5-22 – 5-24
control unit jack assignment, 5-23, 6-5
general method of entering an account number, 5-4
maximum number of characters available for account
number entry, 5-5
minimum call duration, 5-23
not printing a telephone number, 6-4
printout, 2-18
quick method of entering an account number, 5-4
report outgoing and incoming calls, 5-21
report outgoing calls only, 5-21
setting calls reported option, 6-5
setting control unit jack, 6-8
setting minimum call duration, 5-21, 6-6, 6-8
setting type of calls printed, 6-8
setting date, 5-22, 6-5, 6-8
setting time, 5-22, 6-5, 6-8
System Speed Dial Codes with, 5-21
type of calls documented, 5-24
with Account Number Entry, 5-4 – 5-7
Call Report settings System Feature Report, 5-68
Call Restriction, 5-7, 5-24 – 5-25, 6-2, 7-2
administering, 5-25
Outward Call Restriction, 5-7, 5-24
Toll Call Restriction, 5-7, 5-24
using, 2-13, 5-25
Call Restrictions and Allowed Lists Directory, 2-1, 2-13 – 2-15,
2-25 – 2-26, 3-3, 5-9
Call restrictions on System Feature Report, 5-68
Canceling calls with Speaker, 5-65
Centralized Programming, 5-26, 5-57, 5-87, 5-90, 6-6
administering, 5-26
with Off-Premises Telephone Interface, 5-99
using administrator/attendant console, 5-26
CO Line Wiring, 8-5
6-Position Jack, Multipair, 8-7
6-Position Jack, Single-Pair, 8-7
6-Position Jack, Two-Pair, 8-7
Conference, 1-5, 5-16, 5-17, 5-27 – 5-28, 5-32, 6-9
using, 5-27 – 5-28
Confirmation tone, 5-77
Control Unit, 1-5, 3-3, 5-72
connecting, 8-4
Control Unit Jack Assignment for the System Feature
Report, 5-69
Control Unit Jacks, 2-7
Copy, 5-25, 5-28 – 5-29, 5-30, 6-3
administering, 5-29
call restrictions, 6-3
line assignments, 6-3
programmed features, 6-3
Cordless Telephone, 5-10
with General Purpose Adapter, 5-92
Customized Line Assignments, 2-8, 2-9 – 2-11, 5-29 – 5-30
administering, 5-30
using, 5-30
Data Collector, 2-4, 5-23, 5-67, 5-68, 5-69, 5-91 – 5-92
with Call Report, 5-21
capacity, 5-91
jack assigned to, 6-5
Date and Time, setting for System Feature Report, 5-68
Delayed Ring, 5-51, 5-60 . See also Ringing Options, 5-60
Dial Signals, 2-3, 3-1
Dial tone, 5-77
Dialing feedback, 5-77
Disconnect a line from a conference call. See Drop, 5-27
Do Not Disturb, 4-6, 5-12, 5-31, 5-45, 6-11, 6-12, 7-4
programming, 5-31
using, 5-31
Drop, 1-5, 5-32, 5-67, 6-9
to disconnect a line from a conference call, 5-27
with Outside Auto Dial, 5-50
with Personal Speed Dial, 5-53
with System Speed Dial, 5-73
using, 5-32
Emergency numbers, 2-14
Environment for the control unit, 8-1
Error/Deny tone, 5-77
Extra Alert Devices, 5-100 – 5-101
Extra Alert switch 5-100 – 5-101
Facsimile Machine, 5-10, 5-55, 5-86, 5-89 .
See also Auto Answer-All
with Auto Answer-All, 5-11
with Auxiliay Lines, 5-15 .
FCC information, 8-8
Forms, 2-1
4-Pair wiring, 8-6
General Purpose Adapter, 5-10, 5-86, 5-92 – 5-93
General Test, 7-11
Ghost Lines, 5-30
Grounding and wiring installation requirements, 8-1
Group Listening, 5-32 – 5-33, 5-65, 5-66
with speaker, 5-65
using, 5-32
Group Page, 2-4, 4-1, 4-7, 4-8, 5-33 – 5-35, 6-10, 6-12
administering, 5-33 – 5-34
assign voice terminals to, 6-8
groups on System Feature Report, 5-68
programming, 5-34
using, 5-35