To Store Dual Numbers in Phonebook
You can store Dual Numbers with Dual Mark " \ " up to
32 digits for all the address 01 to 99 in the phone book.
~ Up to 32 digits .
I Primary Number 1, I Secondary Number I
To Store a Name with the Phone Number
To use this procedure. you will need to refer to "Alpha
Mode" below.
1. Enter the phone number.
2. Press ~ to select the Alpha Mode.
3. Enter the name.
4. Press ~ .then enter the memory address (01
through 99) to store the number with the name
into memory.
To store two telephone numbers in one phonebook ad-
dress, enter the first number, select the Dual Mark" \ "
by using Menu, then enter the second number.
Example: To store the phone number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 O with the name Mr. JACKSON into
memory address 11.
1. Enter the phone number;
~ I[J @3 @3 @3 @3 1 B-q56-18g0
@3 (?:3 @3 ~ @3 .~[]] ~NU~
2. Set Alpha Mode; (STO) rrnter Alpha!
.1l[5r~ [U.]:X~K
3, Enter the Name;
@3 for "M",
@ (?:3 Cl3 (?:3 for "r", [5TD] [U.]:X~K
~ @3 for".", @ @3 for "J", @3 Gior
"A", @3 @3 @3 for "C", @3 @3 for "K",
(?:3 (?:3 (?:3 (?:3 for "S", @3 @3 @3 G
for "0", and @3 ~ for "N".
4. Press ~ .
5. El11ter G:::J G:::J and press r# 11
Example: To store the primary number 1 2 3456
7 8 9 0 and the secondary number 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 in address 08.
1. Press~.
2. Enter~ B @3 ~
~ @3 (l3~ ~ 1 n-q55-1o9o
@3 .[5TI]] MENU~
3. Press G and scroll to
I,~:~~~~ ~
~The Dual Mark" \ " is in- Z3-456-1890~
serted. [5TI]] MENU~
5. Enter ~ ~ (l3 ~
~~~@3B~ 90l-55q-]210
@3 .[5TI]] MENU~
6. Press ~ ~:
~ ddress:-- Auto:O5
7. Enter @3 ~ and press
~ O8 Stored
O G .93 f:",Pt'J
6 Used
Note: You can add a second number after storing a
first numbel: See To Enter a Second Number
on page 34.
Alpha Mode
You can add an identifying name ("Alpha Tag" up to 2
lines or 20 to 24 characters) to the phone numbers at
each phonebook address.
To Enter Names using Alpha (Letters)
1. Press ~ ' then enter the
nter Alpha! phone number.
2. Press ~ .[5TC] [IJ+]:X.II