3. Enter the four-digit secu-
rity code and press O .
2. Press(
3. Press
This feature permits you to link groups of numbers to
be sent in sequence. The linked numbers can be stored
in memory. When dialed, the first group of numbers will
be sent in digital signaling, and the rest of the numbers
will be sent in Touch Tone TM group by group each time
you press CEJ .
4. Enter G:=J ~ @3
5. Press
To Store Linked Numbers in Phonebook
Linked Numbers can be stored using any of the proce-
dures described under memory operations (at a spe-
cific address, with a Name Tag, at the next vacant
memory location or as secret). The only difference is,
that a Link Mark" = " must be entered between the
linked numbers. The link mark is entered using the key
sequence G G .
You can store Linked Numbers with Link Marks" = " up
to 40 digits for the address 01 to 90, and up to 80 digits
for the address 91 to 99 in the phonebook.
.Up to 40 or 80 digits ..
I LO1 I = I LO2 I = I LO3 I
31 digits or less 31 digits or less 31 digits or less
Note: While entering a linked number, you may review
all the parts of that number, even those already
IPress °, scroll to "VIEW TEL#" and press
10 .The linked numbers you have just entered
will be displayed one byone each time you press
The example on the next page shows how to store a
Linked number at a specific memory address.
1. Enter the first number.
2. Press G G .A link mark " = " will be added
at the end of the number.
3. Enter the second number. If you wish to link addi-
tional number(s), return to 2.
4. Press ~ ~ ' then enter the memory address
(01 -99),
To Place Calls using Linked Numbers
1. Press E) .and select the linked number you want
to call. (See Phonebook Recall on page 31.)
2. Press ca. Then the ~ indicator will light as
th,e first number is dialed.
3. Press ca .The second linked number will be
sent in Touch ToneTM signals. Succeeding num-
bers can be sent sequentially by pressing CEJ