
70 Instruction 3015-4275
Summary of Registers
Register Name Number Type Description
System Data 0x0010h R/W AGM System Setup Data
Status 0x0011h R/W Operating summary of faults, alarms
and status
Zone Data 0x12xxh R/W Setup data for up to 16 zones (xx
defines zone number)
CAL Data 0x0014h R/W Cal Factors for all gases
Date/Time 0x0015h R/W Set AGM300 date & time
Sensor Data 0x0016h R Raw measurement of sensors
Rel. Hold 0x0017h W Release AGM300 out of hold mode
Hold Zone 0x0018h W Put AGM300 into hold mode
Fault Log 0x19xxh R 20 most recent fault events (xx = 00
or 01)
Alarm Log 0x1Axxh R 20 most recent alarm events (xx = 00,
01, or 02)
Serv. Mode 0x001Bh W Puts AGM300 into service mode
Rel Serv. 0x001Ch W Release AGM300 from service mode
PPM 0x001Eh R PPM values for all zones
Zone Log 0x3yxxh R Trend data for each AGM300 zone (y
= zone number (starting at 0), xx = 00 – 06)Data
Data Type Abbreviations
C ......................Character
Float................. Floating Point
I ........................Integer
UC.................... Unsigned Character
UI .....................Unsigned Integer