78 Instruction 3015-4275
Fault Log Register Register 0x1900, 0x1901h R 302 bytes
These registers contain the 20 most recent fault events, the time they occurred, and a pointer to the most
recent event. The data is split into 2 registers. The first register contains 200 bytes and the second register
contains 102 bytes. The results of these two register reads should be recombined into the Fault Log Data
Structure after both have been received
Variable Type Length Description
Fault UI 40 bytes 20 most recent fault events. Each event is decoded as
indicated in Fault Flag Structure given after the Status
Register Description
Time TIM 260 bytes Time of each fault occurrence. TIM value as defined in
NOTE 2 of Zone Data
Ptr UC 1 byte Pointer to most recent event
Unused UC 1 byte
Alarm Log Register Register 0x1A00h, 0x1A01h, 0x1A02h R 582 bytes
These registers contain the 20 most recent alarm events, the time they occurred, and a pointer to the most
recent event. The data is split into 3 registers and should be recombined into an appropriate structure after all
three registers have been received. Register 0x1A00h contain 200 bytes, Register 0x1A01h contains 200
bytes, and register 0x1A02h contains 181 bytes.
Variable Type Length Description
Event UC 320 bytes 20 most recent alarm events. Each event contains 1 byte
for each zone. Each zone Byte is defined as 0=No Alarm,
1=Leak Alarm, 2=Spill Alarm, 3=Evac Alarm.
Time TIM 260 bytes Time of each alarm event. TIM value as defined in NOTE 2
of Zone Data
Ptr UC 1 byte Pointer to most recent event
Unused UC 1 byte