New Easy Menus
The following menus are new in CMF MONITOR Online:
Workload Manager (WLM) Enclave/Job Views
New WLM Enclave/Job views provide WLM-based data for enclave and address spaces:
Enqueue Views
SENQ and SENQR interval-based views have been changed to be more compatible with RMF.
SENQ has been changed to SNQR, and SENQR has been changed to SRVR. Interval-based
enqueue contention data can be viewed with the ENQSTAT view.
Six new views have been developed: SNQR, SNQRZ, SRNR, SRNRZ, SRVR, and SNVRZ.
Descriptions of the new views are shown in Table 5:
Table 3. New Easy Menus
Menu Description
EZMFAST New data set usage option hyperlinks to EZM390.
EZM390 New data set usage option hyperlinks to EZMDS.
EZMDS New menu that provides hyperlinks to data set usage and delay views. (See Table 3.)
Table 4. Enclave/Job Views
View Description
WMJOVER Overview of jobs, enclaves, and server address spaces that present WLM-related data, such as
velocity, delay, and usage percentage.
WMJDLAY Delay information for jobs, enclaves, and server address spaces.
WMENCLV Overview of enclaves.
WMENCLAS Enclave classification data.
Table 5. Enqueue Views
View Description
SNQR Snapshot of enqueue contention data, listing all owners and waiters.
SNQRZ Summary of snapshot enqueue contention data.
SRNR Snapshot of RESERVE activity data and of enqueue contention data, listing all owners and wait-
SRNRZ Summary of snapshot RESERVE activity data and snapshot enqueue contention data.
SRVR Snapshot of RESERVE activity data, listing all owners and waiters.