Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 12 - Environmental Conditions & Maintenance
en | 12-2
Interpreter booths
12.4 Interpreter booths
Pressure and speed of work at most international conferences means that interpreters have to take
turn and turn about to keep pace and ensure a steady flow of smooth interpretation. This means that
each interpreter booth has to be large enough to accommodate at least two or maybe three
interpreters. The specification for interpreter booths as laid down by the international organization for
standardization is briefly as follows:
• Booths should be constructed at the back or the side of the hall.
• Booths should be elevated to provide an overall, unobstructed view of the chairman, the
speakers and any other relevant visual aids.
• A window should be installed across the whole length of the booth.
• The inner pane should be inclined with its upper edge towards the hall to avoid acoustic reflec-
tions and mirror effects. There should also be a side window so that interpreters can communi-
cate with one another visually. All glass used should satisfy sound insulation requirements.
• The dimensions of the booth, where possible should have a minimum size of 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) wide,
2.3 m (7.5 ft.) high and 2.4 m (7.8 ft.) deep for up to 6 languages, and 3.4 m (11.15 ft.) wide for
6 to 12 languages.
• Booths should not have interconnecting doors, but should open onto a carpeted corridor which
is normally used by delegates or members of staff.
• Air conditioning should be provided so that concentrates of carbon dioxide never exceeds
• Temperature should be controllable between 18 °C (64.5°F) and 22 °C (71.3°F) by means of an
individual regulator in each booth. The relative humidity should be maintained between 45% and
• The A-weighted sound pressure level generated by the air conditioning system, lighting and
other sound sources should not exceed 35 dB.
• A large working surface should be provided for each interpreter. This should be at least 50 cm
(19 in) deep and not be obstructed by equipment. The surface should be covered with a sound
absorbent material. The working surface available to each interpreter (0.4 m2 (4.2ft2) shall have
individual lighting to produce a uniform intensity of at least 300 lux.
• Reverberation time inside the booth should not exceed 0.5 seconds for frequencies between
125 and 4000 Hz.
• A rest room should be provided adjacent to the booths. A separate booth should be provided
for the engineer handling the control equipment. It should be similar to the interpreter booth.
12.5 Ventilation
Maintain good ventilation. Ventilation holes are provided on top of the central control units. Place the
units on a hard and level surface and position at least 4-inches from walls to ensure proper ventilation.
12.6 Cleaning
Do not use alcohol, ammonia or petroleum based liquids or abrasive cleaners to clean the
equipment. Unplug and clean with a soft cloth slightly dampened with mild soap and water solution.
Allow to dry completely before operating the relevant unit.
12.7 Storage
Disconnect the mains supply from all mains supplied units, if the units are not to be used for an
extended period of time. Store in a dust free dry area with adequate ventilation. Do not store in
areas affected by direct sunlight or in high or extreme cold conditions. See Technical data Chapter 13..
t is recommended that contribution and interpreter desks are stored in their relevant suitcases.