Chapter 1: SmartSwitch Router Product Overview
24 SmartSwitch Router User Reference Manual
To exit Enable mode and return to User mode, use one of the following commands:
Configure Mode
Configure mode provides the capabilities to configure all features and functions on the
SSR. You can configure features and functions within Configure mode including router
configuration, access control lists and spanning tree.
To list the Configure commands, enter:
The Configure mode command prompt consists of the SSR name followed by the pound
sign (#):
To list the commands available in Configure mode, enter a question mark (?) as shown in
the following example:
Exit Enable mode.
List the Configure commands. ?
ssr(config)# ?
acl - Configure L3 Access Control List
acl-edit - Edit an ACL in the ACL Editor
aging - Configure L2 and L3 Aging
arp - Configure ARP entries
bgp - Configure Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
cli - Modify the command line interface behavior
dvmrp - Configure DVMRP related parameters
exit - Exit current mode
filters - Configure L2 security filters
http - Configure SNMP related parameters.
igmp - Configure IGMP related parameters
interface - Configure interface related parameters
ip - Configure IP related parameters
ip-router - Configure Unicast Routing Protocol related
ipx - Configure IPX related parameters
ospf - Configure Open Shortest Path Protocol (OSPF)
port - Configure Port parameters
qos - Configure Quality of Service parameters
rip - Configure Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
snmp - Configure SNMP related parameters.
stp - Configure STP parameters
system - Configure system-wide parameters