
Chapter 1: SmartSwitch Router Product Overview
26 SmartSwitch Router User Reference Manual
SSR boots, the boot image is executed first, followed by the system image and finishing
with a configuration file.
Boot and System Image
Only one boot image exists on the internal flash of the SSR Control Module. Multiple
system images can be stored on the external PC flash.
Configuration Files
The SSR uses three special configuration files:
Active – The commands from the Startup configuration file and any configuration
commands that you have made active from the scratchpad (see below).
The active configuration remains in effect only during the current power cycle. If
you power down or reboot the SSR without saving the active configuration changes to the
Startup configuration file, the changes are lost.
Startup – The configuration file that the SSR uses to configure itself when the system
is powered on.
Scratchpad – The configuration commands you have entered during a management
session. These commands do not become active until you explicitly activate them.
Because some commands depend on other commands for successful execution, the
SSR scratchpad simplifies system configuration by allowing you to enter configuration
commands in any order, even when dependencies exist. When you activate the
commands in the scratchpad, the SSR sorts out the dependencies and executes the
command in the proper sequence.
Loading System Image Software
By default, the SSR boots using the system image software installed on the Control
Module’s PCMCIA flash card. To upgrade the system software and boot using the
upgraded image, use the following procedure.
1. Display the current boot settings by entering the system show version command:
Here is an example:
ctron-ssr-1# system show version
Software Information
Software Version : 1.0
Copyright : Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Cabletron Systems, Inc.
Image Information : Version 1.0, built on Fri Mar 20 19:28:49 1998
Image Boot Location: file:/pc-flash/boot/ssr8/