Installing the RoamAbout Access Point 3-15
Installing the RoamAbout Access Point Manager
Installing the RoamAbout Access Point Manager
Before installing the RoamAbout Access Point Manager, first select a computer that
meets these requirements:
• Operating system is Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT V4.0 or later.
• The computer is connected to the AP’s wired or wireless LAN. However, a
computer connected on the wireless LAN can not upgrade the firmware on its
associated AP.
To install the RoamAbout Access Point Manager, insert the floppy disk (disk 1 of 2)
in the PC and run A:SETUP (this can be done from the Windows Explorer, DOS
prompt or the Run option from the Start button). Follow the Setup instructions.
If you have a previous version of the AP Manager, install the AP Manager on the same
computer. The setup process automatically upgrades the existing software and keeps
your existing configuration files.
You can access the AP Manager through the MultiChassis Manager (MCM)
component (V6.2 or later) of the clearVISN system. Simply right click on the device
and select the RoamAbout Configurator menu item. However, the AP Manager default
directory has changed from an earlier default setting. Therefore, you may need to
change the \Program Files\clearVIS\hubwatch\hubwatch.ini file as follows:
Find these lines:
RoamAbout Configurator=c:\roamabt\config\config.exe $I $C
Change them to:
RoamAbout Configurator=c:\Program Files\RoamAbout\Manager\Rmabt_APManager.exe $I $C
To manage an AP with the AP Manager, you must assign the AP an IP address.
You can use the AP Manager to load the IP address, as described in “Configuring
the AP for SNMP Management” on page 4-16.