
Displaying Error Logs
5-10 Problem Solving
Displaying Error Logs
The AP can display error logs used by support personnel when analyzing system faults.
Up to four error log dumps can be stored, and the most recent dump is displayed first.
There are two types of error logs. One for AP settings and one for wireless settings.
AP Settings
To display the AP settings error logs using the console port, choose Dump Error Log
from the RoamAbout Installation Menu.
This error log displays various information, including current reset count and
PCMCIA Card present/not present.
Wireless Settings
To display the wireless settings error logs using the console port:
1) At the RoamAbout Installation Menu, choose Module-Specific Options.
2) In the next menu, select Dump Error Log.
The following example shows the dialog associated with this option.
To see the same information in the AP Manager, select the AP in the Managed List
field and click the Hardware and Troubleshooting buttons.
RoamAbout Access Point
Product Specific ERROR LOG
Entry Number = 58
Error Code = FC000200 Vector offset = 0512
Error Data =
0:0001E8C8 1:00000000 2:20100700 3:C3360200
4:0000EEAC 5:00050400 6:0001CBAC 7:01001596
Dump another Log entry [Y]/N ?