38 ELH100-12/24TX User Interface ELH100-12/24TX
Hub Configuration Menus
Use the Hub Configuration menu to configure any hub in the stack. This
menu is used to configure the selected hub, as well as the Agent Module.
Use the following menu to view a basic description of all the hubs in the
stack, including hardware and firmware version numbers, or to open a
more detailed configuration screen for a specific hub. The information
provided by these screens is described in Figure 3-9and Figure 3-10, and
the accompanying tables.
Figure 3-9. Hub Selection Menu
Hub Configuration: Hub Selection Menu
Hub Hardware POST SYSTEM Num SNMP Switch/Media Detailed
ID ID F/W Ver F/W Ver Ports Agent Module Screen
-- ------- ------ ------ ---- ---- --------- --------------
1 110000001CC8 1.00 1.00 12 Active ELH-ULSW-TX <DISPLAY DETAILS>
Press <ENTER> to go to a more detailed screen for this hub
Use <TAB> or cursor keys to move, <ENTER> to select
Selection Description
Hub ID Hub identifier in stack. (Up to 6 hubs may be connected via
the stack cable.)
Hardware ID Hardware version number of the repeater board.
Post Firmware Version Version number of the repeater firmware in permanent
System Firmware Version Version number of the repeater firmware in temporary
Number of Ports Indicates whether this device has 12 or 24 repeater ports.
SNMP Agent Indicates whether an Agent Module is installed in this hub.
Switch/Media Module Indicates which switch/media module is installed in this hub.
Detailed Screen Highlight “Display Details” and press <Enter> to access the
configuration parameters for the hub.