
9033060 Configuring & Monitoring the Hub 53
Common Tasks
The hub console menus allow you to modify default hub settings and
configure the hub for network management. They also allow you to
monitor hub performance and status. See Chapter 3, ELH100-12/24TX
User Interface on page 27, for an overview of the menu hierarchy and a
description of all menus. The following sections describe common tasks
in setting up and operating the ELH100-12/24TX hub using the console
To begin, set operating parameters and make sure the network
connections are correct by performing these tasks:
Setting password protection for the hub to prevent unauthorized
access to console menus
Assigning an IP address for the hub if you plan to manage the hub
using SNMP, or if you use Telnet to access the hub
Checking network configuration status and verifying that network
connections are correct
After the hub is installed and operating, you may want to perform any of
the following tasks:
Connecting via Telnet for in-band access to the console menus
Setting SNMP parameters for management access
Viewing hub statistics to monitor and evaluate hub performance and
traffic patterns on the network
Downloading a software upgrade
Configuring port operation (enable/disable or set port speed)
Setting a default gateway
Configuring BootP
Setting Password Protection
The ELH100-12/24TX hub is factory-configured with access rights to the
console menus set to READ/WRITE for the administrator, and READ-
ONLY for all others. These settings allow anyone who knows the hub’s
default user name and password to use the console menus to modify any
operational parameter. To protect the configuration of the hub from
unauthorized modification, you can change the password to the console