Table 40B — Air Quantity Limits (50AJ,AK,AW,AY,A2,A3,A4,A5)
*Operation at these levels may be limited by entering evaporator air wet bulb temperatures.
The following section will provide a quick user guide to set-
ting up and configuring the A Series units with ComfortLink™
controls. See Basic Control Usage section on page 3 for infor-
mation on operating the control. For wiring information, refer
to unit wiring diagrams in the Major System Components sec-
tion on page 101.
Two-Stage Constant Volume Units with
Mechanical Thermostat — To configure the unit, per-
form the following:
1. The type of control is configured under Configuration
C.TYP. Set C.TYP to 4 (TSTAT 2 STG).
2. Remove jumpers from R-W2 and W2-W1 on TB4 in the
control box.
3. See Economizer Options section on page 28 for addition-
al economizer option configurations.
4. See Exhaust Options section on page 29 for additional
exhaust option configurations.
Two-Stage Constant Volume Units with Space
Sensor —
To configure the unit, perform the following:
1. The type of control is configured under Configuration
C.TYP. Set C.TYP to 6 (SPT 2 STG).
2. Under Configuration
SPT.S, enable
the space sensor by setting SPT.S to ENBL (enable).
3. Install jumpers between R-W2 and W2-W1 on TB4 in
the control box.
4. The space temperature set points are configured under the
Setpoints menu. The heating and cooling set points may
be configured. See the Heating Control and Cooling
Control sections on pages 50 and 37 for further descrip-
tion on these configurations. The following set points
may be configured:
5. The degrees of demand from the space temperature set
points are configured under the Configuration
submenu. See the Heating Control and Cooling Control
sections for further description on these configurations.
The following set points may be configured:
6. Under Configuration
CV.FN, set CV.FN to 1
for continuous fan or 0 for automatic fan.
7. To program time schedules, set SCH.N=1 under Config-
SCH.N to configure the
control to use local schedules.
8. Under the Timeclock
SCH.L submenu, enter the
desired schedule. See Time Clock Configuration section
on page 75 for further description of these configurations.
9. Under the Configuration
SC.OV submenu, the
following schedules and overrides should be configured:
10. See Economizer Options section on page 28 for addition-
al economizer option configurations.
11. See Exhaust Options section on page 29 for additional
exhaust option configurations.
Min CFM Max CFM* Min CFM Max CFM
50AJ,AW,A2,A3020 6,000 10,000
6,000 15,000
50AK,AY,A4,A5020 4,000 10,000
50AJ,AW,A2,A3025 7,500 12,500
50AK,AY,A4,A5025 5,000 12,500
50AJ,AW,A2,A4027 8,100 13,500
50AK,AY,A3,A5027 5,400 13,500
50AJ,AW,A2,A4030 9,000 15,000
50AK,AY,A3,A5030 6,000 15,000
50AJ,AW,A2,A4035 10,500 17,500
50AJ,AW036 10,500 17,500
50AK,AY,A3,A5035 7,000 17,500
50AK,AY036 7,000 17,500
50AJ,AW,A2,A4040 12,000 20,000
10,500 20,000
50AJ,AW041 12,000 20,000
50AK,AY,A3,A5040 8,000 20,000
50AK,AY041 8,000 20,000
50AJ,AW,A2,A4050 13,500 20,000
50AK,AY,A3,A5050 10,000 20,000
50AJ,AW051 18,000 27,000
15,000 27,000
50AJ,AW,A2,A4060 18,000 27,000
50AK,AY051 12,000 27,000
50AK,AY,A3,A5060 12,000 27,000
IMPORTANT: The ComfortLink controls provide the user
with numerous configuration options such as set points,
demand levels, reset, and many others. If the building
owner or design engineer has not provided specific recom-
mendations for these configuration settings, it is suggested
that the installer do not make changes to the default factory
settings. The factory-configured default values are appro-
priate for many applications.
IMPORTANT: The unit is shipped with the unit control
disabled. Enable the control by setting Local Machine Dis-
able (Service Test
STOP) to No.
OHSP Occupied Heat Setpoint
OCSP Occupied Cool Setpoint
UHSP Unoccupied Heat Setpoint
UCSP Unoccupied Cool Setpoint
GAP Heat-Cool Setpoint Gap
L.H.ON Demand Level Lo Heat On
H.H.ON Demand Level Hi Heat On
L.H.OF Demand Level Lo Heat Off
L.C.ON Demand Level Lo Cool On
H.C.ON Demand Level Hi Cool On
L.C.OF Demand Level Lo Cool Off
O.T.L. Override time limit
SPT.O SPT override enabled?
T58.O T58 override enabled?