
Variable Air Volume Units Using Return Air
Sensor or Space Temperature Sensor —
To con-
figure the unit, perform the following:
1. The type of control is configured under Configuration
C.TYP. Set C.TYP to 1 (VAV-RAT) for return
air sensor. Set C.TYP to 2 (VAV-SPT) for space tempera-
ture sensor.
NOTE: For VAV with a space sensor (VAV-SPT), under
SPT.S, enable the
space sensor by setting SPT.S to ENBL.
2. Install jumpers between R-W2 and W2-W1 on TB4 in
the control box.
3. The space temperature set points and the supply air set
points are configured under the Setpoints menu. The
heating and cooling set points must be configured. See
the Heating Control and Cooling Control sections for
further description on these configurations. Configure the
following set points:
4. To program time schedules, make sure SCH.N=1 under
SCH.N to configure
the control to use local schedules.
5. Under the Timeclock
SCH.L submenu, enter the de-
sired schedule. See Time Clock Configuration section on
page 75 for further description of these configurations.
6. Under Configuration
SP.SP, the supply duct Stat-
ic Pressure Setpoint should be configured.
7. If supply air temperature reset is desired, under the
EDT.R submenu, the following set
points should be configured:
NOTE: Configure either RTIO and LIMT or RES.S. All three
are not used.
8. See the Economizer Options section on this page for ad-
ditional economizer option configurations.
9. See the Exhaust Options section on page 29 for additional
exhaust option configurations.
Multi-Stage Constant Volume Units with
Mechanical Thermostat —
To configure the unit, per-
form the following:
1. Under Configuration
C.TYP, set C.TYP to 3
2. Remove jumpers from R-W2 and W2-W1 on TB4 in the
control box. Connect thermostat to TB4.
3. Under the Setpoints menu, set the following
4. See the Economizer Options section on this page for ad-
ditional economizer option configurations.
5. See the Exhaust Options section on page 29 for additional
exhaust option configurations.
Multi-Stage Constant Volume Units with
Space Sensor —
To configure the unit, perform the
1. Under Configuration
C.TYP, set C.TYP to 5
2. Install jumpers between R-W2 and W2-W1 on TB4 in
the control box.
3. Under the Setpoints menu, the following configurations
should be set:
4. The degrees of demand from the space temperature set
points are configured under the Configuration
submenu. See the Heating Control and Cooling Control
sections for further description on these configurations.
Configure the following set points:
5. Under Configuration
SPT.S, enable
the space sensor by setting SPT.S to ENBL.
6. Under Configuration
CV.FN, set CV.FN to 1
for continuous fan or 0 for automatic fan.
7. To program time schedules, set SCH.N=1 under Config-
SCH.N to configure the con-
trol to use local schedules.
8. Under the Timeclock
SCH.L submenu, enter the de-
sired schedule. See Time Clock Configuration section on
page 75 for further description of these configurations.
9. See the Economizer Options section below for additional
economizer option configurations.
10. See the Exhaust Options section on page 29 for additional
exhaust option configurations.
Economizer Options — Under the Configuration
ECON submenu, the following set points may be configured:
EC.MN should always be set for
the minimum damper position.
OHSP Occupied Heat Setpoint
OCSP Occupied Cool Setpoint
UHSP Unoccupied Heat Setpoint
V.C .ON VAV Occupied Cool On Delta
V.C .OF VAV Occupied Cool Off Delta
SASP Supply Air Setpoint
SP.SP Static Pressure Setpoint
RS.CF EDT Reset Configuration
RTIO Reset Ratio (if RS.CF = 1 or 2)
LIMT Reset Limit (if RS.CF = 1 or 2)
RES.S EDT 4-20 mA Reset Input (if RS.CF = 3)
SA.HI Supply Air Set Point Hi
SA.LO Supply Air Set Point Lo
OHSP Occupied Heat Setpoint
OCSP Occupied Cool Setpoint
UHSP Unoccupied Heat Setpoint
UCSP Unoccupied Cool Setpoint
GAP Heat-Cool Setpoint Gap
SA.HI Supply Air Set Point Hi
SA.LO Supply Air Set Point Lo
L.H.ON Demand Level Lo Heat On
H.H.ON Demand Level Hi Heat On
L.H.OF Demand Level Lo Heat On
L.C.ON Demand Level Lo Cool On
H.C.ON Demand Level Hi Cool On
L.C.OF Demand Level Lo Cool On
EC.EN Economizer Enabled?
EC.MN Economizer Min.Position
EC.MX Economizer Maximum Position
E.TRM Economizer Trim for SumZ?
E.SEL Econ Changeover Select
OA.E.C OA Enthalpy Change Over Select
OA.EN Outdoor Enthalpy Compare Value
OAT.L High OAT Lockout Temp
O.DEW OA Dew Point Temp Limit
ORH.S Outside Air RH Sensor