T -309
Figure 3- 6 Data Reader
b. DataView
The DataView software for a personal computer is
supplied on a floppy disk. This software allows
interrogation, configuration variable assignment,
screen view of the data, hard copy report generation,
cold treatment probe calibration, cold treatment
initialization and file management. Refer to Data
Retrieval manual 62-02575 for a more detailed
explanation of the DataView interrogation software.
c. Communications Interface Module
The communications interface module i s a slave
module which allows communication with a master
central monitoring station. The module will respond to
communication and return information over the main
power line.
With a remote monitoring unit installed, all functions
and selectable features that are accessible at the unit may
be performed at the m aster station. Retrieval of all
DataCORDER reports may also be performed. Refer to
the master system technical manual for further
d. DataLine
The DataLINE software for a personal computer is
supplied on both floppy disks and CD. This software
allows interrogation, configuration variable
assignment, screen view of the data, hard copy report
generation, cold treatment probe calibration and file
management. Refer to Data Retrieval manual 62-10629
for a more detailed explanation of the DataLINE
interrogation software. The DataLine manual m ay be
found on the net at www.contaner.carrier.com
3.6.11 USDA Cold Treatment
Sustained cold temperature has been employed as an
effective postharvest method for the control of
Mediterranean and certain other t ropical fruit flies.
Exposing infested fruit to temperatures of 2.2 degrees
Celsius (36_F) or below for specific periods results in
the mortality of the various stages of this group of
In response to the demand to replace fumigation with
this environmentally sound process, Carrier has
integrated Cold Treatment capability into its
microprocessor system. These units have the ability to
maintain supply air temperature within one-quarter
degree Celsius of setpoint and record minute changes in
product temperature within the DataCORDER
memory, thus meeting USDA criteria. Information on
USDA is provided in t he following subparagraphs
a. USDA Recording
A special type of recording is used for USDA cold
treatment purposes. Cold treatment recording requires
three remote temperature probes be placed at prescribed
locations in the cargo. Provision is made to connect
these probes to the DataCORDER via receptacles
located at the rear left-hand side of the unit. Four or five
receptacles are provided. The four three-pin receptacles
are for the probes. The five pin receptacle is the rear
connection for the Interrogator. The probe receptacles
are sized to accept plugs with tricam coupling locking
devices. A label on the back panel of the unit shows
which receptacle is used for each probe.
The standard DataCORDER report displays the supply
and return air temperatures. The cold treatment report
displays USDA #1, #2, #3 and the supply and return air
temperatures. Cold treatment recording is backed up by
a battery so recording can continue if AC power is lost.
b. USDA/ Message Trip Comment
A special feature is incorporated in DataLine/DataView
which allows the user to enter a USDA (or other)
message in the header of a data report. The m aximum
message length is 78 characters. Only one message will
be recorded per day.
3.6.12 USDA Cold T reatment Procedure
The following is a summary of the steps required to
initiate a USDA Cold Treatment.
a. Calibrate the three USDA probes by i ce bathing the
probes and performing the calibration function with
the DataReader, DataView or DataLine. This calibra-
tion procedure determines the probe offsets and
stores them in the controller for use in generating the
cold treatment report. Refer to the Data Retrieval
manual 62-02575 for more details.
b. Pre-cool the containerto thetreatment temperatureor
c..Install the DataCORDER module battery pack (if not
already installed).
d. Place the three probes. The probes are placed into the
pulp ofthe product (at thel ocations definedi n thefol-
lowing table) as the product is loaded.