T -309
Table 3-6 Controller Alarm Indications (Sheet 1 of 4)
AL13 Expansion Module
Alarm 13 is triggered if the control module has lost communication with the ex-
pansion module for more than five minutes or communication fails within the
first 15 seconds on power up. This alarm triggers failure action C (evaporator fan
only) or D (all machinery off) of Function Code C d29 if the unit has a perishable
set point. Failure action D (all machinery off) i s triggered if the unit has a frozen
set point
Phase Sequence
Failure -- Electronic
Alarm 14 is triggered if the electronic phase detection system is unable to deter-
mine the correct phase relationship. DIRCHECK will be displayed while the
relationship is determined. If the system is unable to determine the proper rela-
tionship alarm 14 will remain active. Additiotnal information on phase detection
may be displayed at Function Code Cd41. If the right most digit of Code Cd41 is
3 or 4, this i ndicates incorrect motor or sensor wiring. If the right most digit is 5,
this indicates a failed current sensor assembly.
AL15 Loss Cooling Future Expansion
Compressor Current
Alarm 16 is triggered if compressor current draw is 15% over calculated maxi-
mum for 10 minutes out of the last hour. The alarm is display only and will trig-
ger off when the compressor operates for one hour without over current.
Phase Sequence
Failure -- Pressure
Alarm 17 is triggered if a compressor start in both directions fails to generate
sufficient pressure differential. The controller will attempt restart every twenty
minutes and deactivate the alarm if successful. This alarm triggers failure action
C (evaporator fan only) or D (all machinery off) of Function Code Cd29 if the
unit has a perishable set point. Failure action D (all machinery off) i s triggered if
the unit has a frozen set point
Discharge Pressure
Alarm 18 is triggered if discharge pressure is 10% over calculated maximum for
10 minutes within the last hour. The alarm is display only and will trigger off
when the compressor operates for one hour without overpressure.
Discharge Tempera-
ture High
Alarm 19 is triggered if discharge temperature exceeds 135_C (275_F) for 10
minutes within the last hour. The alarm is display only and will trigger off when
the compressor operates for one hour without over temperature.
Control Circuit Fuse
Open (24 vac)
Alarm 20 is triggered by control power fuse (F3) opening and will cause the soft-
ware shutdown of all control units. This alarm will remain active until the fuse is
Micro Circuit Fuse
Open (18 vac)
Alarm 21 is triggered by one of the fuses (F1/F2) being opened on 18 volts AC
power supply to the Controller. The suction modulation valve (SMV) will be
opened and current limiting i s halted. Temperature control will be maintained by
cycling the compressor.
Evaporator Fan Mo-
tor Safety
Alarm 22 responds to the evaporator motor internal protectors. The alarm is trig-
gered by opening of either internal protector. It will disable all control units until
the motor protector resets and the unit is power cycled.
AL23 Loss of Phase B
Alarm 23 is triggered if l ow current draw is detected on phase B and IPCP, HPS
or IPEM is not tripped. If the compressor should be running, the controller will
initiate a start up every five minutes and trigger off if current reappears. If the
evaporator fan m otors only should be running, the alarm will trigger off is cur-
rent reappears. This alarm triggers failure action C (evaporator fan only) or D
(all machinery off) of Function Code Cd29 if the unit has a perishable set point.
Failure action D (all machinery off) is triggered if the unit has a frozen set point
Compressor Motor
Alarm 24 is triggered when compressor is not drawing any current. It also trig-
gers failure action ”C” or ”D” set by function Code 29 for perishable setpoint, or
”D” for frozen setpoint. This alarm will remain active until compressor draws