Cisco Unity Express 8.0 Voicemail User’s Guide for Advanced Features
Personalizing Your Settings
Managing Your Greetings
Greetings are messages that callers hear when they reach your voice mail.
• Standard Greeting—Normal greeting that callers hear. This can be either the default greeting or a
personalized greeting that you have recorded and chosen as your standard greeting.
• Alternate greeting—Special greeting recorded by you is turned on or off using the Greetings menu.
To manage your greetings:
Step 1 Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the Personal
Mailbox menu.
Step 2 From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.
Step 3 From the My Options menu, choose Greetings and press Select.
Tip On the Greetings menu, “(Active)” appears next to the greeting that callers hear when they reach
your voice mailbox.
Step 4 From the Greetings menu, choose Standard or Alternate and press Select, then:
• To listen to the greeting, choose Listen and press Select. The greeting plays.
• To rerecord the greeting, choose Record. Press Select, say your greeting, then press Stop.
• To activate a greeting and automatically deactivate the other greeting, choose Activate and press
Note The language of the standard greeting is set by your system administrator.
Managing Message Settings
With the Message Notification feature, the voice-mail system informs you of new voice mail, based on
preference and schedule, by calling a phone or numeric pager, or by creating and sending a text message
to a text pager or an e-mail address. The types of messages for which you can send notifications are
configured by the system administrator.
Note Not all menu items are valid for all users. If you receive a “message notification is disabled” message
while attempting to perform this procedure, this feature is disabled.
To edit or configure message notification settings:
Step 1 Perform the steps in the “Logging In To VoiceView Express” section on page 33 to display the personal
Mailbox menu.
Step 2 From the Personal Mailbox menu, choose My Options and press Select.
Step 3 From the My Options menu, choose Message Settings and press Select.