Enter these commands and follow these steps to use the activation key:
Restore the Default Configuration
To restore your default configuration back to the factory-default values, enter the following CLI
commands by completing the following steps:
Command Description
Step 1 show version
Shows the PIX Firewall software version, hardware configuration,
license key, and related uptime data.
Step 2 configure terminal
Starts configuration mode.
Step 3
activation-key Updates the PIX Firewall activation key by replacing the
activation-key-four-tuple with the activation key obtained with your
new license.
Activation-key-four-tuple is a four-element hexadecimal
string with one space between each element. An example is 0xe02888da
0x4ba7bed6 0xf1c123ae 0xffd8624e. The leading 0x specfier is
optional; all values are assumed to be hexadecimal.
Step 4 exit
Exits configuration mode.
Step 5 write memory
Saves the configuration.
Step 6 reload
Reboots and reloads the configuration.
Command Description
Step 1 configure terminal Starts configuration mode.
Step 2 clear configuration all Erases the running configuration.
Step 3 interface ethernet1 auto Negotiates the Ethernet speed and duplex settings
automatically. You can use the auto keyword only with
the Intel 10/100 automatic speed-sensing network
interface card.
Step 4 ip address inside
Configures a fixed IP address for the inside
( interface.
Step 5 dhcpd address
Specifies the DHCP server IP address pool for internal