Refer to the following website for detailed command information and configuration examples:
The Cisco TAC website is available to all customers who need technical assistance. To access the TAC
website, go to:
Step 6 dhcpd lease 3600 Specifies the length of the lease (in seconds) granted to
the DHCP client. The lease indicates how long the
DHCP client can use the assigned IP address.
Step 7 dhcpd ping_timeout 750 Allows the configuration of the timeout value of a ping,
(in milliseconds), before assigning an IP address to a
DHCP client.
Step 8 dhcpd auto_config outside Enables the PIX Firewall to automatically configure
DNS, WINS, and domain name values from the DHCP
client to the DHCP server. If you specify dns, wins, and
domain parameters, then the CLI parameters overwrites
the auto_config parameters from the outside interface
of the firewall.
Step 9 dhcpd enable inside Enables the DHCP daemon to begin listening for DHCP
client requests on the inside interface.
Step 10 http
Enables PDM access to all hosts on the inside network.
Step 11 http server enable Enables an HTTP server for PDM access to the
PIX 515E.
Step 12 pdm history enable Takes a data sample and stores the sample data in the
PDM history buffer.
Step 13 pdm logging informational 100 Specifies the type and number of syslog messages
Step 14 write memory Saves the modified configuration to permanent memory.
Step 15 exit Exits the current configuration mode.
Command Description