Any client device. Citrix MetaFrame extends the reach of Terminal Server to
virtually any client device: 286, 386, 486, and Pentium computers; Windows-
based terminals; Network Computers (NCs); wireless devices; ICA-based
information appliances; RISC; PowerPC; and X-based devices (available
through Citrix and OEM partners). All of this is done without rewriting a
single line of code, changing client hardware, or adjusting client system
configurations. MetaFrame also supports all types of Windows client
platforms, including Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows
95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows CE, as well as non-Windows
client platforms including DOS, UNIX, Linux, OS/2 Warp, Macintosh, and
Any network connection. Citrix MetaFrame connects users to the network
through standard telephone lines, WAN links (T1, T3, 56Kb, X.25), broadband
connections (ISDN, Frame Relay, ATM), wireless and CDPD connections,
and the Internet. The unique bandwidth-conserving nature of Citrix’s ICA
protocol makes it the ideal solution for any network type, whether Dial-up,
LAN, WAN, Internet/Intranet, or even wireless networks. ICA performance is
fast and consistent, regardless of network infrastructure.
Any network protocol. The enterprise today consists of not only
heterogeneous client devices but also heterogeneous networks. MetaFrame
supports all popular LAN and WAN protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX/SPX,
NetBIOS, SLIP/PPP, and asynchronous connections. MetaFrame is ideal for
enterprises that need to extend bandwidth-hungry applications to users
everywhere—regardless of connection type or available bandwidth—because
the Citrix ICA protocol is optimized for connection speeds as low as 14.4Kbps
(although 28.8Kbps is the recommended minimum speed).
Any application. Users can access the full range of business and personal
productivity applications including the latest Windows-based applications,
client/server, mainframe, and even Java applications from a universal client,
regardless of available horsepower or operating system.
MetaFrame’s robust management tools help IT professionals scale systems and
support multiple applications and thousands of users enterprise-wide. Servers can
be added easily without having to reconfigure user systems. Applications can be
administered across multiple servers from a single location—and vital data stays