Seamless Windows support. The Citrix ICA Win32 Client now supports the
seamless integration of local and remote applications on the local Windows 95
or Windows NT 4.0 desktop. By simply selecting the Seamless Windows
option when configuring a connection to a MetaFrame server, a user no longer
needs to access an entire remote desktop to run remote Windows applications.
With a single session a user can gain access to multiple applications, have fully
functional local keyboard controls (such as ALT+TAB), switch between local
and remote applications on the local taskbar, define remote application icons
on the local desktop, and even tile and cascade between local and remote
Windows applications. These new features of the Citrix Win32 ICA Client
fully integrate local and remote applications to provide a true seamless user
Business Recovery Client. The Citrix ICA Client now includes the additional
intelligence to support multiple sites (such as a primary and hot backup) with
different addresses for the same published application name.
This feature provides for consistent connections to published applications in
the event of a primary server disruption. Users now have an even higher level
of fault tolerance and seamless user experience.
Client Print Manager. This client printing enhancement allows users to
define which client printers can be configured on their client devices. It
provides a means to store printer properties on a per-client-device basis while
simplifying printer configuration for non-Windows clients.
This new feature provides for an even higher level of seamless experience,
giving users additional flexibility and access to local system resources.
These features are not available on all ICA Clients. For detailed information on
supported features, see the Citrix ICA Client Administrator’s Guides for the
clients you plan to deploy.