Check the spark plug every 25 hours. Re-
place the spark plug if the electrodes are
pitted, burned, or if the porcelain is cracked.
moval. Tighten the spark plug to a torque
of 15 foot-pounds.
1. Make sure the spark plug is clean.
Clean the spark plug by carefully scrap-
ing the electrodes (do not sand blast or
use a wire brush).
2. Check the spark plug gap with a feeler
3. Before installing the spark plug, coat
the threads lightly with oil for easy re-
Feeler Gauge
Spark Plug
Figure I
Never make unnecessary adjustments to the
carburetor. The carburetor was set at the
factory to operate efficiently under most ap-
plications. However, if adjustments are re-
quired, we recommend you contact your
nearest Sears Service Center.
WARNING: The engine gover-
nor is set at the factory. Do not
change the governor setting.
Over speeding the engine above the fac-
tory setting can be dangerous. If you
think the engine governor needs an ad-
justment, contact your nearest Sears
Service Center.
F-001102M 18