CRAFTSMAN 143.004001
174 650783 Screw, 10-24 x 3/4" 290 29774
178 29752 Nut & Lock Washer 292 26460
179 30593 Retainer Clip 298 650665
182 6201 Screw, 1/4-28 x 7/8" 300 35591
184 26756 Carburetor To Intake Pipe
Gasket 301 36246
185 36703 Intake Pipe 305 35554
(Incl. 182,184, 224) 307 35499
186 31341 Governor Link
308 35539
200 36677 Control Bracket
310 35556
(Incl. 203 thru 209A)
313 34080
203 31342 Compression Spring
339 28212
204 651029 Screw, T-10, 5-40 x 7/16"
346 35926
266 610973 Terminal
342 650751
215 32410 Control Knob
345 32664
223 650451 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1"
376A 36261
224 26754A Intake Pipe Gasket
376B 35703
238 650932 Screw, 10-32 x 49/64"
376C 37199
239 34338 Air Cleaner Gasket
376K 36695
241 35797 Air Cleaner Collar
386 640172
245 35066 Air Cleaner (Conical)
396 590732
250 35065 Air Cleaner Cover
260 35585 Blower Housing
262 650737 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2"
275 46066A Muffler (W/Catalyst) 406 36439
277 650988 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2-5/16"
416 36085
285 36467A Starter Cup
287 650926 Screw, 8-32 x 21/64" 417 650821
Fuel Line
Fuel Line Clamp
Screw, 1/4-15 x 3/4"
Fuel Tank
(incl. 292 & 301)
Fuel Cap (Black)
Oil Fill Tube
"O" Ring
Fill Tube Clip
Fuel Tank Bracket
Screw, I/4-20 x 7/16"
Baffle Heat
Lubrication Decal
Throttle Decai
Primer Decal
Starter Decal
Carburetor (Incl. 184)
Recoil Starter
(NOTE: This engine could
have been built with
596738 starter).
Gasket Set (Incl. Items
Marked PK in Notes)
Spark Arrestor Kit
(Incl. 417) (Optional)
Screw, (Optional)
F-001102M 34