
Introduction 17
Added player names to volleyball and penalty times to hockey/handball for the
European board codes 9200 and 9400. Added code 9409 for handball with three
penalty times
Added display codes D7 and D8 to the compulink interface (code 555) for left and
right KPH
Version 2.1.1 Release Date: 10 March 2005
Added a code for running wrestling on a hockey and basketball board combo,
(H-2104, BB-2124) with the codes 3401 and 3402
Added error x10 digits for home and guest to baseball on address 68 and 69
Changed water polo so the horn command bit will be sent with the shot clock horn
Added address 23,24,25,26 to codes 1401, 4401, 3401, 2401 and 6402
Added extra addresses to volleyball, football, and soccer for All Sport CG
Version 2.1.2 Release Date: 15 May 2005
Added PLY/FL/PTS captions (addr 223) to the codes 9100,9200 of basketball and
Added quarter score outputs for football to address 29 of code 6611
Fixed 8-lane track output to show lane # on address 12, it had the wrong rtd item #
Added a time into period for hockey to be shown when the stop key is pressed and
when arrow keys are pressed
Version 2.1.7 Release Date: 24 March 2006
Added a warning time horn for a partial timeout using the full timeout warning time
Made a menu option to select if the team score is shown on team score/adv time
section of the matside board
Added new address to baseball for a 2 driver inning board, model BA-2022
Changed the Mass Sub function in basketball so that it will not exit if you answer NO
to the question of add player
Fixed the Wrestling advantage time edit so if the advantage time is set to 0:00 for one
team and then started for the other team it will count correctly
Added custom code 0091 to replace an existing 2400 time of day console
Added support for receive of DSTI data in Hockey code