Quick Reference 331
All Sport 5000
Note: Refer to Section 7: Basketball Operation for more detailed operating instructions.
• Turn the Power Switch ON.
• At the Resume Game? Y/N prompt:
• Press <ENTER /YES> to resume the game where last shut off.
• Press <Clear/NO> to enter a new sport code number.
Team Score
• <SCORE+1>, <SCORE+2>, <SCORE+3> and <SCORE-1> increment and decrement the team
• The console may ask for a player number depending on the setting of Team Score – Update
Player in the Menu under Edit Settings.
Team Fouls
• <TEAM FOULS+1> and <TEAM FOULS-1> increment and decrement the total team fouls.
• <BLANK PLAYER FOUL> blanks the displayed player-foul digits.
• The console may ask for a player number depending on the setting of Team Score – Update
Player in the Menu under Edit Settings.
Time Out
• <TIME OUT> displays the number of full (1
press) or partial (2
press) timeouts (if applicable.)
Press enter to take a time out for the selected team.
• <TIME OUT ON/OFF> selects a full (1
press) or partial (2
press) time out and starts the time
out clock.
• The time out clock may be displayed on the main scoreboard depending on the Time Outs –
Show on Main setting in the Menu under Edit Settings.
• <POSS> turns the possession indicators on or off for the respective team.
• <BONUS> turns the 1-on-1 bonus indicators or 2-shot bonus indicators on or off.
• <PERIOD+1> increments the period value.
Shot Clock Time