197 LDAP Feature for the Remote Console Switch
Within this Organizational Unit, create three group objects to represent
user privilege levels. One for KVM Appliance Administrators, KVM User
Administrators and KVM Users respectively.
Using the MSADUC tool, open the KVM Appliance Administrator Group
Object and select the Notes property. Type the access level (“KVM
Appliance Admin”) for that group in the Notes field and save. Repeat this
step for the other two Group Objects using their respective names.
NOTE: The single syntax for all access control attribute values is:
"[<arbitrary text string> <delimiter>] < privilege level> [<delimiter> <arbitrary text
Where: <privilege level> := "KVM User" or "KVM User Admin" or "KVM Appliance
<delimiter> ::= one or more of any of the following: <newline> or <c/r> or <comma>
or <semicolon> or <tab>
<arbitrary text string> is any string of alphanumeric characters and may be the null
(i.e., empty) string.
Square brackets indicate optional items; for example, the following template
indicates an optional string and delimiter followed by a required privilege level:
"[<arbitrary text string> <delimiter>] < privilege level1>".
Create a computer object to represent the Remote Console Switch.
Create a computer object for each SIP attached to a server to be access
restricted at the KVM User privilege level.
Add the computer object that represents the switch to the appropriate
group objects.
Add user objects to the appropriate group object for their access level.
Add the computer objects for the access controlled SIPs to the KVM User
Dell Extended Schema Active Directory Object Overview
For each of the physical Remote Console Switches on the network that you
want to integrate with Active Directory for Authentication and
Authorization, you must create at least one RCS Device Object to represent