259 Index
CAT 5, 1
Clear Offline button
using the on-board web
interface, 154
Configuration files
using the on-board web interface
reading and saving, 164
restoring, 165
Configuration information, 56
Connect Video task button
using the Explorer, 9, 66
using the Viewer, 103-104
Connection sharing, 126
Console security, 44
using the Explorer
exporting, 101
loading, 102
saving, 100
using the on-board web interface
managing, 165
Dell Extended Schema
AD object overview, 197
comparing standard schema
with, 180
using Dell Association Objects
syntax, 205
Dell Schema Extensions
adding remote console switch
users and privileges with, 204
configuring AD with, 202
using the Viewer, 117
Display behavior, 42
DNS settings, 182
DSView 3 software, 2
EID, 1-2
using the on-board web
interface, 142
using virtual media, 135
Enterprise Traps, 231
Environment Variables, 212
Ethernet, 10
customizing, 99
features, 67
viewing system, 66
upgrading using the AMP, 172
upgrading using the on-board web
interface, 159
FLASH upgrade
overview, 4
using a serial console, 247-248
using OSCAR, 249