To specify the date and time to delete the files stored as Secure Print in the RAM disk or the optional hard disk.
Va lue s :
Expiration Mode Off
Does not set the date and time to delete the files stored as Secure Print in
the RAM Disk or the optional hard disk.
On Sets the date and time to delete the files stored as Secure Print in the RAM
Disk or the optional hard disk.
Expiration Time Sets the time to delete the files stored as Secure Print in the RAM Disk or
the optional hard disk.
Recurrence Daily Sets the recurrence to delete the files stored as Secure Print in the RAM Disk
or the optional hard disk daily.
Weekly* Sets the recurrence to delete the files stored as Secure Print in the RAM Disk
or the optional hard disk weekly.
Monthly Sets the recurrence to delete the files stored as Secure Print monthly.
Weekly Setting Monday Sets the day of the week to delete the files stored as Secure Print.
Tu es da y
Monthly Setting 1 day
Sets the day of the month to delete the files stored as Secure Print in the
Available Range:
RAM Disk or the optional hard disk.
1-28 days
ColorTrack Mode
To specify who has access to color printing.
Va lue s :
Does not limit access to color printing.
Internal Mode Limits access to color printing. Authentication is done using user information registered on the printer.
External Mode Limits access to color printing. Authentication is done using an external authentication server.
Non Registered User
To specify whether to permit the printing of data without authentication information.
Va lue s :
Does not permit non-account user to print the data.
Permits non-account user to print the data.
Set Non Account User Password using the Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool.
Understanding the Printer Menus 208