
Chart 1 (fast scan)
Chart 2 (slow scan)
The Chart 1 is used to adjust the color registration for the fast scan direction, which is vertical to paper feed
direction. The Chart 2 is used to adjust the color registration for the slow scan direction, which is horizontal to paper
feed direction.
The following sections explain how to determine the adjustment values for the fast scan and the slow scan using
Chart 1 and Chart 2.
Fast Scan
On the Chart 1 of the color registration chart, find the straightest lines where the two black lines and the colored line
are most closely aligned for each color (LY, LM, LC, RY, RM, and RC). If you find the straightest line, make a note
of the value (-8
to +8) indicated by the straightest line for each color.
When the value is 0 for each color, you do not need to adjust the color registration for the fast scan.
When the value is not 0, enter the value using the procedure in "Entering Values."
Straightest line
Maintaining Your Printer