Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
Redial Attempts Specifies the number of redial attempts to make when the destination fax number is busy. If you
enter 0, the printer will not redial.
Redial Delay Specifies the interval between redial attempts.
Junk Fax Setup Sets whether to reject faxes sent from unwanted numbers by accepting faxes only from the fax
numbers registered in the Phone Book.
Remote Receive Sets whether to receive a fax by pressing a remote receive code on the external telephone.
Remote Receive Tone Specifies the remote receive code in two digits to start Remote Receive.
Fax Header Sets whether to print the information of sender on the header of faxes.
Fax Header Name Sets the name of sender to be printed on the header of faxes. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters
can be entered.
Fax Number Sets the fax number of the printer to be printed on the header of faxes.
Fax Cover Page Sets whether to attach a cover page to faxes.
DRPD Pattern Sets the DRPD setting from Pattern 1 to Pattern 7. DRPD is a service provided by some
telephone companies.
Sent Fax Forward Off Does not forward received faxes.
Forward Forwards incoming faxes to the fax number specified in Fax Forward Number
below without printing.
Print and
Prints and forwards incoming faxes to the fax number specified in Fax Forward
Number below.
E-mail only Forwards incoming faxes to the e-mail address specified in Forwarding E-mail
Address below without printing. The faxes are converted to a PDF file and sent
to the destination as an e-mail attachment.
E-mail and
Prints and forwards incoming faxes to the e-mail address specified in Forwarding
E-mail Address below. The faxes are converted to a PDF file and sent to the
destination as an e-mail attachment.
Forward to
Forwards incoming faxes to the server specified in from Server Type through
Subdirectory Path (optional) below without printing. The faxes are converted
to a PDF file and stored in the destination.
Fwd to Server
and Print
Prints and forwards incoming faxes to the server specified in from Server Type
through Subdirectory Path (optional) below. The faxes are converted to a PDF
file and stored in the destination.
Fax Forward Number Specifies the fax number of the destination to which incoming faxes will be forwarded.
Forwarding E-mail Address Specifies the e-mail address of the destination to which incoming faxes will be forwarded.
Server Type Specifies the type of destination to which incoming faxes will be forwarded. To forward to an FTP
server or a shared folder on a networked computer, select Server (FTP) or Computer (SMB)
respectively, and then specify the settings from Host Address (IP Address or DNS Name) through
Subdirectory Path (optional) below.
Host Address (IP Address or
DNS Name)
Enter the host name or IP address of an FTP server or a computer.
Port Number Enter the port number.
Login Name (if required by
Enter the user account name that has access to the shared folder on your computer or FTP server.
Login Password Enter the password corresponding to the above login name.
Re-enter Password Re-enter your password.
Name of Shared Directory En
ter the share name (Windows OS) or folder name (Macintosh OS) of the shared folder. You do
not need to specify this setting for an FTP server.
Subdirectory Path (optional) Leave blank if there is no second or third-level folder.