
A keytab file is generated.
NOTE: If you find any issues with iDRAC user for which the keytab file is created, create a new
user and a new keytab file. If the same keytab file which was initially created is again executed,
it does not configure correctly.
Creating Active Directory Objects and Providing Privileges
Perform the following steps for Active Directory Extended schema based SSO login:
1. Create the device object, privilege object, and association object in the Active Directory server.
2. Set access privileges to the created privilege object. It is recommended not to provide administrator
privileges as this could bypass some security checks.
3. Associate the device object and privilege object using the association object.
4. Add the preceding SSO user (login user) to the device object.
5. Provide access privilege to Authenticated Users for accessing the created association object.
Related Links
Adding iDRAC Users and Privileges to Active Directory
Configuring Browser to Enable Active Directory SSO
This section provides the browser settings for Internet Explorer and Firefox to enable Active Directory
NOTE: Google Chrome and Safari do not support Active Directory for SSO login.
Configuring Internet Explorer to Enable Active Directory SSO
To configure the browser settings for Internet Explorer:
1. In Internet Explorer, navigate to Local Intranet and click Sites.
2. Select the following options only:
Include all local (intranet) sites not listed on other zones.
Include all sites that bypass the proxy server.
3. Click Advanced.
4. Add all relative domain names that will be used for iDRAC instances that is part of the SSO
configuration (for example, myhost.example.com.)
5. Click Close and click OK twice.
Configuring Firefox to Enable Active Directory SSO
To configure the browser settings for Firefox:
1. In Firefox address bar, enter about:config.
2. In Filter, enter network.negotiate.
3. Add the iDRAC name to network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris (using comma separated list.)
4. Add the iDRAC name to network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris (using comma separated list.)