where: /dev/sdx is the device name found in step 4 and /mnt/floppy is the mount point.
Why are the virtual drives attached the server removed after performing a remote firmware update
using the iDRAC Web interface?
Firmware updates cause the iDRAC to reset, drop the remote connection, and unmount the virtual drives.
The drives reappear when iDRAC reset is complete.
Why are all the USB devices detached after connecting a USB device?
Virtual media devices and vFlash devices are connected as a composite USB device to the Host USB BUS,
and they share a common USB port. Whenever any virtual media or vFlash USB device is connected to or
disconnected from the host USB bus, all the Virtual Media and vFlash devices are disconnected
momentarily from the host USB bus, and then they are re-connected. If the host operating system uses a
virtual media device, do not attach or detach one or more virtual media or vFlash devices. It is
recommended that you connect all the required USB devices first before using them.
What does the USB Reset do?
It resets the remote and local USB devices connected to the server.
How to maximize Virtual Media performance?
To maximize Virtual Media performance, launch the Virtual Media with the Virtual Console disabled or do
one of the following:
• Change the performance slider to Maximum Speed.
• Disable encryption for both Virtual Media and Virtual Console.
NOTE: In this case, the data transfer between managed server and iDRAC for Virtual Media and
Virtual Console will not be secured.
• If you are using any Windows server operating systems, stop the Windows service named Windows
Event Collector. To do this, go to Start → Administrative Tools → Services. Right-click Windows
Event Collector and click Stop.
While viewing the contents of a floppy drive or USB key, a connection failure message is displayed if
the same drive is attached through the virtual media?
Simultaneous access to virtual floppy drives are not allowed. Close the application used to view the drive
contents before attempting to virtualize the drive.
What file system types are supported on the Virtual Floppy Drive?
The virtual floppy drive supports FAT16 or FAT32 file systems.
Why is an error message displayed when trying to connect a DVD/USB through virtual media even
though the virtual media is currently not in use?
The error message is displayed if Remote File Share (RFS) feature is also in use. At a time, you can use RFS
or Virtual Media and not both.
vFlash SD Card
When is the vFlash SD card locked?