Configuring Routing 541
Interface IP Address
— The actual IP Address associated with the interface used by the Virtual Router.
— Set to True if the Virtual IP Address and the Interface IP Address are the same, otherwise set
to False. If this parameter is set to True, the Virtual Router is the owner of the Virtual IP Address, and
always wins an election for master router when it is active.
VMAC Address
— The virtual MAC Address associated with the Virtual Router, composed of a 24-bit
organizationally unique identifier, the 16-bit constant identifying the VRRP address block and the 8-
bit VRID. The Virtual MAC address is 00:00:5e:00:01:XX where XX is the VRID.
Auth Type
— The type of authentication in use for the Virtual Router
– None — Specifies that the authentication type is none.
– Simple — Specifies that the authentication type is a simple text password.
— The current state of the Virtual Router:
— The current status of the Virtual Router:
Secondary IP Address
— A secondary VRRP address configured for the primary VRRP.
Displaying Virtual Router Status using the CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Commands