Configuring Dell PowerConnect 77
The system is not setup for SNMP management by default. To manage the
switch using SNMP (required for Dell Network Manager) you can
. Set up the initial SNMP version 2 account now.
. Return later and setup other SNMP accounts. (For more information on
setting up an SNMP version 1 or 3 account, see the user documentation).
Would you like to setup the SNMP management interface now? [Y/N] n
Step 2:
Now we need to setup your initial privilege (Level 15) user account. This
account is used to login to the CLI and Web interface. You may setup
other accounts and change privilege levels later. For more information on
setting up user accounts and changing privilege levels, see the user
To setup a user account:
Please enter the user name. [root]:root
Please enter the user password:
Please reenter the user password:
Step 3:
Next, an IP address is setup. The IP address is defined on the default
VLAN (VLAN #1), of which all ports are members. This is the IP address
you use to access the CLI, Web interface, or SNMP interface for the
switch. Optionally you may request that the system automatically
retrieve an IP address from the network via DHCP (this requires that you
have a DHCP server running on the network).
To setup an IP address:
Please enter the IP address of the device (A.B.C.D) or enter "DHCP"
(without the quotes) to automatically request an IP address from the
network DHCP server. []:
Please enter the IP subnet mask (A.B.C.D or /nn). []:
Step 4:
Finally, setup the default gateway. Please enter the IP address of the
gateway from which this network is reachable. []:
This is the configuration information that has been collected:
User Account setup = root
Password = ********