1092 Configuring L2 and L3 Relay Features
Table 34-2 shows the most common protocols and their UDP port numbers
and names that are relayed.
Table 34-2. UDP Port Allocations
UDP Port Number Acronym Application
7 Echo Echo
11 SysStat Active User
15 NetStat NetStat
17 Quote Quote of the day
19 CHARGEN Character Generator
20 FTP-data FTP Data
37 Time Time
42 NAMESERVER Host Name Server
43 NICNAME Who is
53 DOMAIN Domain Name Server
69 TFTP Trivial File Transfer
111 SUNRPC Sun Microsystems Rpc
123 NTP Network Time
137 NetBiosNameService NT Server to Station Connections
138 NetBiosDatagramService NT Server to Station Connections
139 NetBios SessionServiceNT Server to Station
161 SNMP Simple Network Management
162 SNMP-trap Simple Network Management Traps
513 who Unix Rwho Daemon
514 syslog System Log
525 timed Time Daemon