Configuring System Information 129
Receive Broadcast Servers Update —
If enabled, listens to the SNTP servers for Broadcast server time
information on the selected interfaces. The device is synchronized whenever an SNTP packet is
received, even if synchronization was not requested.
Receive Unicast Servers Update —
If enabled, polls the SNTP servers defined on the device for
Unicast server time information.
Defining SNTP Global Parameters
Open the
SNTP Global Settings
Define the
fields as needed.
Apply Changes
The SNTP global settings are modified, and the device is updated.
Defining SNTP Global Parameters Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the
Clock Commands
in the
CLI Reference Guide
. The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands you use to
define SNTP global parameters.
SNTP Authentication
The SNTP Authentication page lets you enable SNTP authentication between the device and an SNTP
server, and to select the desired SNTP server. Use the SNTP Authentication page to enable or disable
SNTP authentication, to modify the authentication key for a selected encryption key ID, to designate
the selected authentication key as a trusted key, and to remove the selected encryption key ID.
Click System
Authentication in the tree view to display the SNTP Authentication page.
Table 6-8. SNTP Global Parameters Commands
CLI Command Description
sntp broadcast client enable Use to enable a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Broadcast
sntp client poll timer Use to set the polling time for the SNTP client.
sntp server Use to configure the device to use SNTP to request and accept SNTP
traffic from a specified server.