Configuring IPv6 627
The DHCPv6 Global Configuration page contains the following fields:
DHCPv6 Admin Mode
— Specifies DHCPv6 operation on the switch. Possible values are Enable and
Disable; the default value is Disable.
Relay Option
— Specifies Relay Agent Information Option value. The values allowed are between 32
to 65535, and represent the value exchanged between the relay agent and the server. Each value has a
different meaning, of which 1 to 39 are standardized. The default value, 32, means
Remote-id Sub-option
— Lets you specify a number to represent the Relay Agent Information Option
Remote-ID Sub-option type. The values allowed are between 1 and 65535. The default value is 1.
Configuring DHCPv6 Global Parameters
Open the
DHCPv6 Global Configuration
Modify the fields as needed.
Apply Changes
The DHCPv6 parameter modifications are saved, and the device is updated.
Configuring DHCPv6 Global Parameters Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
• DHCPv6 Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
DHCPv6 Pool Configuration
DHCP for IPv6 clients are connected to a server which is configured to use parameters from a pool that
you set up. The pool is identified with a pool name, and contains IPv6 addresses and domain names of
DNS servers.
Use the Pool Configuration
page to create a pool and/or configure pool parameters.
To display the page, click IPv6
Pool Configuration in the tree view.
Table 10-6. DHCPv6 Global Commands
CLI Command Description
service dhcpv6 Enables DHCPv6 configuration on the router.
show ipv6 dhcp Displays the DHCPv6 server name and status.