Using Secure Virtual Assist | 103
To enable Wake on Lan:
Step 1 Configure Wake on Lan in the client PC BIOS by selecting the Wake-on-LAN option.
Step 2 Configure Wake on Lan in the client PC Device Manager:
1. Open Device Manager by right-clicking the Computer icon on the client PC desktop,
selecting Properties from the drop-down list, and then selecting Device Manager.
2. Expand the Network adapters folder and select the Network Connection used for Virtual
3. Click the Power Management tab and check the Allow the device to wake the computer
check box.
4. Click OK.
Step 3 While in the Secure Virtual Access mode, select Enable WOL from the Virtual Access menu.
If the client PC sleeps, shuts down, or hibernates, the pending client enters the Offline state,
where it can be woken by a Technician.
Step 4 Next, a Virtual Assist Technician double-clicks the customer’s entry in the Pending List and the
client PC is woken automatically.
Note If the client PC cannot be woken, reinstall the Wake-on-Lan software, and reconfigure the
client PC.
The customer may end the service session at any time.